Spiritual Life Assistant Testimonial

 A Spiritual Life Assistant (SLA) is an IMPACT student leader position that was previously known as a floor chaplain. SLA's are designated for each campus living area (just like RA's) and are responsible for encouraging spiritual growth in the lives of their students. They provide counsel and encouragement while planning and directing activities like weekly floor devotionals that foster the spiritual life of the living area.

phoebe-osay.jpgPhoebe Osay, Spiritual Life Assistant

Major: Nursing
Hall and Floor: South Hall - iHouse
Grad Year: May 2024

What do you enjoy about being an SLA?

I suppose the most common answer is being able to talk to the girls on the floor at a deeper level, but I really enjoy seeing new faces at our weekly floor devotionals! Those are always the most interesting conversations! I also highly value the personal stories shared among people on the floor. Having people brave enough to share something vulnerable is the most significant story I've witnessed as an SLA.

What are some of the most memorable experiences you have with your floor?

Lake days with iHouse are always memorable, fun times with good people! With lake day, it's always nice to have a break from assignments and enjoy each other's presence.

What's special or unique about your floor?

The community, the liveliness, etc...iHouse is a very lively crew! The girls on the floor are what make iHouse awesomely unique! I'm definitely not biased, haha.

Tell me about your experience on Spring Break Mission.

I went on the Beach Reach mission trip to South Padre Island where we minister to spring breakers there, witnessing to them and keeping them safe by giving out free van rides. Beach Reach is an experience in and of itself. No words can encapsulate how much Christ moved in the hearts of not only the spring breakers but also in the lives of the beach reachers and myself.

What are some things you learned from Beach Reach that you can incorporate as an SLA on your floor?

One of the main elements of Beach Reach is a heavy emphasis on prayer. We spend so much time asking God to move on the island or for specific requests. So, I would like to incorporate more prayer onto the floor like meeting together in our lounge at the beginning of the week and praying. For whoever wants to participate, if I'm by myself or with a group, we pray over the week, personal struggles, and prayer about getting through the day. Whatever it may be, starting the week with prayer can allow us to reflect and feel rejuvenated and refreshed.